What is Global Big Day?

Saturday May 14th is Global Big Day 2022. This bi-annual event is a celebration of World Migratory Bird Day. People around the World document bird sightings wherever they are based on the day.

The twice-yearly organized event occurs in May and October, and for good reason too. It’s around the same time many bird species migrate the globe.


Why do we celebrate Global Big Day?

Migratory birds are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of climate change because of habitat loss, pollution, poisoning, and poaching. Global Big Day was established to bring attention to these birds plight (as well as their flight), aid in recording their numbers and paths, and educate people on these crucial issues.

Every World Migratory Bird Day has a unique theme. In October 2021 it was “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like A Bird!”. In other words, highlighting bird flight and bird song as a way of fostering appreciation of the different types of bird that share the skies.


On Global Big Day you could spot a yellow-crowned night heron like this one seen near Guacimo Lodge.
A yellow-crowned night heron sighted near Guacimo Lodge. Imagine what birds you can spot on Global Big Day.

The theme of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 is light pollution. Artificial light can impact migratory birds by disorienting their navigation and disturbing their internal clocks, possibly causing them to become lost or collide with buildings.


How does Guacimo Lodge support migratory birds?

As an eco-lodge we support the principles of eco-tourism in Guacimo Lodge. We aim to bring our guests a comfortable and memorable experience while having minimal impact on the environment. This includes protecting the bird species of the area. Guacimo Lodge is powered from 100% renewable energy to help us achieve this goal. We have also planted 14,000 trees in deforested areas to promote habitats for birds and other animals.

In October 2021, a group of guests staying at Guacimo Lodge traveled to the nearby Indio Maiz Biological Reserve to participate in the birding event. They spotted more than 58 bird species.

October 2021 had the largest participation of any World Migratory Bird Day yet. There were participants in 195 different countries, and 7269 species of birds were spotted in just one day.

Guacimo Lodge won’t be hosting a birding excursion for this coming Global Big Day. You can join by downloading the eBird app and spending a few minutes on May 14th recording bird sightings.

Whether you’re new to bird-watching or a seasoned birder, Global Big Day is the ideal day to take up or build on this invigorating pastime.

To learn more about the event and join in on the day click here .


Read about the event attended by guests at Guacimo Lodge last October on our blog .

Contact us at  contact@guacimolodge.com with your requests, or book with Guacimo Lodge by clicking  here.


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