Solentiname Islands, rio San Juan and Guacimo Lodge

If you have been in Solentiname you won´t forget the sunset over the lake Nicaragua and the loneliness that surrounds the islands. A place apart of the world immersed in a lake (like a sea) originated by a volcanic eruption, Solentiname Islands is around 1hr by boat from San Carlos, head of rio San Juan department. 

From San Carlos, once you are at its port, you can imagine Solentiname archipelago appearing as you look into the lake Nicaragua. You can see perfectly well how the lake converges into river San Juan starting its route into the Caribbean sea. A long route still, since it will take still around 5hrs (depending on the boat you take) to get to San Juan del Norte and the old Greytown.

Guacimo Lodge helps you in your route to visit such an extraordinary place. It does so by organizing for you a private transfer direct Guacimo Lodge to San Fernando Island in Solentiname, in case you want to go in full comfort, or by informing you on the public boats departing from San Carlos to Solentiname. As per our last information, there are public boats departing from the main malecon or dock in San Carlos up to Mancarron Island in Solentiname each Tuesday and Friday at 1pm. Public routes vary and change due to Solentiname not being a developed tourist destination nor having a large population. This is why we always prefer to double-check itineraries with port authorities at the time any of our guests ask for information whether they want to visit Solentiname before or after visiting the rio San Juan. 

Rio San Juan shows its wideness at the beginning of its journey, passing the Santa Fe bridge around 30mins after having departed San Carlos, and then going through small villas and asentamientos along the banks of the river. Once you reach Boca de Sabalos, the nature starts to make its presence with huge trees in the shores and howler monkeys being part of the landscape. After reaching El Castillo – usually 2hrs to 2hrs 30min after departure from San Carlos in any of the public boats – the shores of the river San Juan are already filled with the density of the jungle. When you see El Castillo SVII century colonial fortress your mind starts to trace histories of pirates, conquistadores. But what really leaves your memory after having visited this fantastic place in the world is its still raw, untamed nature. 

Please write us at  or whatsapp un at +505 8239 9716, or visit our website to gather more information on how to visit Solentiname and rio San Juan. We look forwad to meet you and be part of your journey!

More info on Solentiname Islands on our blog

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